• Accounting
        • Your financial statements should show a complete picture of your business, and lay the foundation to help you create a strategy for the future.
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        • Tax
        • Tax returns prepared to ensure we minimize your liability and keep more of your earnings over the long term.
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        • Business Advisory
        • From proper entity selection at the inception of a business to developing an exit strategy, we are here to guide you in making informed decisions that are goal driven and take into consideration the materiality of your financial situation.
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        • QuickBooks
        • We maximize your QuickBooks investment by customizing the software to meet your specific needs and industry best practices.
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        • Litigation Support
        • We employ strong analytical and communication skills to produce evidence that supports your position in cases of a dispute or negotiation.
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        • M&A Advisory
        • Whether you are selling, acquiring or expanding, we are well equipped to ensure you respond to opportunities swiftly and with confidence.
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        • Audit
        • For businesses and organizations requiring the utmost financial accuracy and reliability, audits provide the highest level of assurance.
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        • Manufacturing & Distribution
        • Success in manufacturing and distribution hinges on your ability to manage numerous details with accuracy and foresight into how they impact current and future operations.
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        • Consulting Services
        • You focus on your core competencies, customer service and strategy and we’ll keep you from getting caught off-guard by daily financial tasks or overwhelmed by growth.
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        • Medical
        • Patient care is your primary concern. Providing the best clinical experience for your patients continues to get more difficult and costly. Delivery models are changing from fee for service to quality based.
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        • Legal
        • Running a legal firm is a balancing act with high stakes. Your reputation hinges on your ability to support clients with responsiveness and accuracy.
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        • Real Estate
        • Real estate is characterized by large material gains and losses. Every transaction has the potential to impact your accounting and tax situation.
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        • Technology
        • Perhaps more than any other industry, technology companies must have an infrastructure built to scale. A culture of continuous iteration requires an ability to account for a fluctuating profit margin.
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        • Professional Services
        • With a consultative, integrated approach to accounting, tax and consulting services for businesses and individuals, we work hand in hand with you to achieve your goals.
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        • Renewable Energy
        • Renewable energy is an area of growing interest for businesses, as well as the advantageous tax incentives when transitioning operations to include new energy solutions. Read our series of articles to LEARN MORE.


SJG Blog

Operational Efficiencies Part III – Creating, Capturing and Organizing Your Ideas

Suggestion Box

Remember the old “suggestions box?”

Input from all levels of the company drives success by bringing ideas and opportunities to the forefront that otherwise would not be considered. Including everyone in the suggestion loop promotes comradery, encourages ownership in the process and rewards good ideas and follow-thru with recognition.

When we onboard a new team member we ask them to begin taking notes and making lists of processes where they see an opportunity for improvement – either from their experience working for a prior employer, something they may have learned at a seminar or gems picked from an article they may have recently read.

Similarly, you should ask your employees to consider not only business processes but also technology, value added service opportunities and other recommendations. You should invite them to look for ideas that save time, save money, enhance overall appearance, reduce potential errors and add to the bottom line.

When you encourage all team members to keep lists and to contribute, it creates a culture of inclusiveness, one where they get heard and you, as the business owner, reap the results.

Keep the list in whatever system works best for you and them. (Of course, at SJG we use spreadsheets!) Your system needs to be an easily organized repository that can be shared and discussed later. Individual contributors then gather ideas in the normal course of their workday, capturing ideas as it relates to the provision of products or services to clients throughout the year.

  • Contributions should NOT be presented as complaints lest your regular review sessions turn into a “B” session.
  • Contributions should take into consideration the business’s limited resources of time and money, and incorporate cost/benefit analysis where possible.
  • Contributions should be added to the repository one at a time, as they are thought of, as opposed to setting deadlines for creating contributions or requiring a quota which will simply force ideas that aren’t of good quality.

How do you organize ideas?

The decision about how best to organize your ideas and employee contributions should be based upon your organization and industry. You may elect to organize them by functional area, procedural process, service area, or simply by department, for example:

By Functional Area:

Customer Communications
Employee Benefits
Information Technology
Human Resources
Office Management
Technical Process related to Industry
Vendor Management

By Department:

Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
Inventory Management

Don’t get stymied trying to construct too much organization or capturing every possible idea the first time. What’s important is to get started identifying opportunities for improvement.

In our next installment, we will discuss how to prioritize ideas to push forward initiatives and begin experiencing the benefits of implementing operational efficiencies in your organization.


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