• Accounting
        • Your financial statements should show a complete picture of your business, and lay the foundation to help you create a strategy for the future.
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        • Tax
        • Tax returns prepared to ensure we minimize your liability and keep more of your earnings over the long term.
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        • Business Advisory
        • From proper entity selection at the inception of a business to developing an exit strategy, we are here to guide you in making informed decisions that are goal driven and take into consideration the materiality of your financial situation.
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        • QuickBooks
        • We maximize your QuickBooks investment by customizing the software to meet your specific needs and industry best practices.
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        • Litigation Support
        • We employ strong analytical and communication skills to produce evidence that supports your position in cases of a dispute or negotiation.
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        • M&A Advisory
        • Whether you are selling, acquiring or expanding, we are well equipped to ensure you respond to opportunities swiftly and with confidence.
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        • Audit
        • For businesses and organizations requiring the utmost financial accuracy and reliability, audits provide the highest level of assurance.
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        • Manufacturing & Distribution
        • Success in manufacturing and distribution hinges on your ability to manage numerous details with accuracy and foresight into how they impact current and future operations.
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        • Consulting Services
        • You focus on your core competencies, customer service and strategy and we’ll keep you from getting caught off-guard by daily financial tasks or overwhelmed by growth.
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        • Medical
        • Patient care is your primary concern. Providing the best clinical experience for your patients continues to get more difficult and costly. Delivery models are changing from fee for service to quality based.
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        • Legal
        • Running a legal firm is a balancing act with high stakes. Your reputation hinges on your ability to support clients with responsiveness and accuracy.
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        • Real Estate
        • Real estate is characterized by large material gains and losses. Every transaction has the potential to impact your accounting and tax situation.
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        • Technology
        • Perhaps more than any other industry, technology companies must have an infrastructure built to scale. A culture of continuous iteration requires an ability to account for a fluctuating profit margin.
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        • Professional Services
        • With a consultative, integrated approach to accounting, tax and consulting services for businesses and individuals, we work hand in hand with you to achieve your goals.
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        • Renewable Energy
        • Renewable energy is an area of growing interest for businesses, as well as the advantageous tax incentives when transitioning operations to include new energy solutions. Read our series of articles to LEARN MORE.


SJG Blog

Thank You Sue Groszkiewcz of Accountable for Change

Earlier this year SJG decided to “reinvest” in ourselves and hire business coach Sue Groszkiewicz of Accountable for Change who specializes in working with accounting firms. Overall this has been a tremendous experience for our staff and has led to some of the operational efficiency improvements we so often encourage from our clients.

Among the great things Sue has done was to nominate us for the GNFCC Women In Business Award this past spring. Although we didn’t win, her application for Stacey was so stellar that we felt obliged to share her “testimonial” with our clients and friends.


Sue GroszkiewczUpon first meeting Stacey, it was clear she is a “fireball,” a force to be reckoned with and someone to pay close attention to, especially if you are a business owner seeking financial and business advice. Stacey just celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of S.J. Gorowitz Accounting & Tax Services (SJG), a remarkable feat that is accentuated by the fact that she guided her firm through the 2008 global financial crisis.

Stacey has made quite an impact in the workplace and the community in the 25 years since establishing SJG. Some notable items Stacey has accomplished:

  • Servicing clients and their business who have generated more than $1 billion in revenues
  • Aiding in the formation of more than 200 new businesses
  • Completing the Philanthropic Advisory Leadership Institute (PALI) class
  • Assisting more than 1,475 small businesses
  • Providing development opportunities for staff to move up the ranks and providing an education incentive program. Assisting employees with degrees and certifications

Stacey is a quick thinker with a prominent self-assurance that embodies trust. While Stacey is in the accounting and tax business, her expertise is that of a seasoned business owner open to sharing her success and failures with whomever she meets.

She is an avid learner and planner. She implements ideas and practices in her firm before applying them in a client setting. She understands what it takes to run a business. Stacey’s been in the trenches. She knows the challenges her clients face. To accelerate her learning, Stacey is keen on establishing barriers for herself. Think of them as high jumps in track and field. It’s what Stacey does so well… and the example she sets – a very high bar indeed. Planning is her best friend, all part of her endurance race, one step at a time. Her planning is aligned with her vision as part of her overall strategic plan.

Since meeting Stacey, I have observed her passion to excel in her craft. And that passion extends to her staff – she encourages them to be their best. She has set in motion a high level, business skill development program for her firm administrator. While they’ve worked together for 13 years, Stacey believed her firm administrator would enjoy the program, so she extended the opportunity.

Stacey has an all-female staff and empowers them, too. An example includes asking them to set their schedule from a “what’s best for you” perspective. That’s highly unusual and it works well. She’s open to testing new ideas and assimilating what works best – it’s her way of being innovative.

In a recent conversation, I asked her what made her clients the best. Her response was, “they call me before they make a key decision.” Stacey has established a well-known brand by being involved and caring about the community where she lives and works.

Stacey is committed to being the CPA firm that is ‘Just the Right Fit.’ She has prides herself on being the right size with consistent teams, having a view toward long-term relationships with her clients and offering customized solutions.

Sue Groszkiewcz

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